Allergy Relief

Allergy Relief

April 02, 2022

Allergy Relief
With spring in full swing, many people are experiencing hay-fever symptoms. These may include; itchy, irritated eyes, excessive sneezing, sinus congestion, skin irritations, and a scratchy throat. There are many natural remedies that can reduce symptoms and prevent allergies moving forward. Nutritionally it is recommended to avoid foods that increase mucus. These may include processed sugar, wheat and dairy. It is also recommended to avoid histaminergic foods such as ferments, alcohol, chocolate, aged cheese and meats. This can help to reduce the severity of seasonal allergies. Below are some of our favourite herbs and supplements to support you throughout allergy season!
Herbal Medicine:
  • Nettle leaf: A nutritive, blood cleansing tonic that is also helpful to reduce allergies, excessive mucus production and inflammation.
  • Baikal skullcap: This potent herb reduces allergies by inhibiting prostaglandin and histamine release from mast cells while supporting the liver.
  • Eyebright: An astringent, mucus membrane tonic that helps to reduce excess mucus production in the upper respiratory tract in hay-ever and colds. Eyebright is especially helpful to reduce itchy, irritated eyes due to allergies.
  • Goldenrod: Thins mucus secretions, relieving congestion and restoring the mucosa. It helps to reduce inflammation in hay-fever and can help conjunctivitis in pet and seasonal allergies.
  • Reishi: An adaptogenic and immune modulating herb that is potently anti-allergic. Reishi inhibits histamine release from mast cells, helping to reduce allergic reactions in the lungs.
  • Echinacea: Echinacea root is helpful to reduce allergic responses in hay-fever and asthma. It modulates the immune system, reduces inflammation and is antimicrobial. 
  • Milk thistle: Milk thistle supports detoxification pathways, encourages regular elimination and reduces inflammation, which is integral in reducing hay-fever!
  • Quercetin: Helps to reduce histamine release from immune cells, thus reducing allergic reactions. 
  • Vitamin C: A natural antioxidant and antihistamine, Vitamin C is very important element in supporting immune health.
  • Vitamin D: Helps to modulate immune function and decrease inflammation.
  • Raw, Unpasteurized Honey: The idea here is to get local honey from your area as there will be very small amounts of the pollens and allergens in the honey. Overtime the body may build a resistance to those allergens and lessen the symptoms of hay-fever.
  • Bone Broth: Nourishes the adrenals and all the mucous membranes of the body including the gut lining, which will increase the resistance of intense allergy symptoms.
Some of the herbs listed above have contraindications, we recommend speaking with a clinical herbalist to see what herbs would work best for you! We hope that you are supported this allergy season and spring, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to call us, visit us, or book a consultation. 
- Riley Craven 

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