cooling herbs

Chill Out Naturally: Harnessing the Power of Cooling Herbs

June 28, 2023

As the temperature rises and the warm weather takes hold, our bodies can often exhibit signs of heat-related conditions. These manifestations may appear in various forms such as anxiety, heartburn, excessive sweating, elevated blood pressure, throbbing headaches, increased appetite, and heightened anger or irritability. Fortunately, nature offers a myriad of cooling herbs that can effectively alleviate these symptoms, allowing us to restore balance and tranquility. 

4 Cooling Herbs

marshmallow cooling herb

1. Dandelion root: When it comes to treating heat-related conditions that impact the liver and bowels, Dandelion root emerges as a powerful and cooling herb. This exceptional plant possesses properties that effectively promote liver and digestive health. If you experience irritability, anger, constipation, or a flushed face associated with excessive heat, Dandelion root can be a valuable resource, offering respite from these symptoms and restoring a sense of calm and equilibrium.

2. Marshmallow: Another cooling herb that possesses both cooling and demulcent qualities is Marshmallow. Derived from its root, this herb has the remarkable ability to soothe the gastrointestinal tract. When heat-related symptoms affect the urinary or respiratory systems, the leaf of the Marshmallow plant works in a similar manner, providing gentle relief. Marshmallow's soothing effects make it an ideal herb for those seeking comfort and balance during warmer months.

3. Lemon Balm: is another herb that combines relaxation and refreshment. Belonging to the mint family, it naturally cools the body and offers a delightful citrusy flavor. Lemon Balm not only has a calming and uplifting effect on the mind but also serves as a natural remedy for combating excessive heat. With its refreshing qualities, Lemon Balm is a popular choice for creating beverages like lemon balm mojitos or lemonade, allowing you to savor its cooling benefits while indulging in a deliciously revitalizing drink.

4. Aloe Vera: One remarkable herb renowned for its cooling properties is Aloe Vera. Whether in liquid or gel form, this mucilaginous plant is an excellent choice for addressing stomach or intestinal heat-related conditions. Aloe Vera's soothing and calming effects on the digestive system make it a valuable ally in relieving discomfort and inflammation caused by heat.

6 Measures against overheating

While harnessing the power of cooling herbs is invaluable, it is equally crucial to ensure we take proactive measures to avoid overheating. Here are a few key tips to help you stay cool and maintain optimal well-being during the sweltering summer months.

lemon balm cooling herb

1. Hydration is paramount. Drinking ample amounts of water throughout the day helps regulate body temperature and replenishes fluids lost through perspiration. 

2. Prioritize proper clothing choices. Opt for loose-fitting, lightweight garments made from breathable fabrics such as cotton or linen. These materials facilitate air circulation and allow sweat to evaporate, keeping your body cool and comfortable.

3. Be mindful of your activity levels. Engage in outdoor activities during the cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late evening, to minimize exposure to intense heat. When exercising or participating in physical activities, take frequent breaks in shaded areas and listen to your body's signals to avoid overexertion.

dandelion cooling herb

4. Incorporating cooling foods into your diet is another effective strategy. Fresh fruits and vegetables with high water content, such as watermelon, cucumber, and citrus fruits, provide hydration and natural cooling effects from within. Consider adding these refreshing treats to your meals or enjoying them as light snacks throughout the day.

5. Creating a comfortable indoor environment is equally important. Draw curtains or blinds during the hottest hours to block out direct sunlight. Utilize fans or air conditioning to circulate cool air and maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. If possible, seek out air-conditioned public spaces to escape the heat during peak hours.

6. Lastly, be mindful of your body's signals and listen to its needs. If you begin to experience symptoms of overheating, such as dizziness, excessive sweating, or fatigue, it's crucial to take immediate action. Find a shaded area, apply a cool compress to your neck or wrists, and rehydrate with cool fluids to bring your body temperature down.

By incorporating these essential tips into your routine while embracing the power of cooling herbs, you can effectively beat the heat and maintain a comfortable and balanced state during the hot summer months. Enjoy a season of rejuvenation, vitality, and cool bliss.

Written by

Medical Herbalist & Nutritionist


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