Dandelion Root (Taraxacum officinale radix) available at Apotheka Herbal in Victoria BC

Dandelion root

June 03, 2019

Common Name: Dandelion Root
Botanical Name: Taraxacum officinale radix

Many of us were raised to believe that dandelions are mere weeds meant to be pulled up and sprayed away. Nothing could be further from the truth. The humble dandelion, from root to petals, is a medicinal treasure that pretty much everyone could benefit from. 

Let’s start at the bottom – the roots. Next time you pull one up from your garden, take a moment to appreciate that dandelion’s roots are among the best detoxification tools that nature offers.

Dandelion root works directly on the liver and gallbladder to help remove waste products. There are several herbs that have this detoxifying effect, but few that will also offer an exit strategy. Any detox herb needs to be combined with products that aid elimination, meaning laxatives and diuretics mainly.  The beauty of dandelion root is that it detoxifies the liver AND acts as a mild to moderate laxative.

As an extra bonus, roasted dandelion root tastes amazing and makes an excellent coffee substitute. If you find yourself depending on that cup of joe to stimulate your morning bowel movement(s), then you can painlessly swap it out for caffeine-free dandelion root. The root makes a great latte and combines well with other herbs like chicory root for a tasty morning blend.


Written by Heather Newman
Medical Herbalist at Apotheka


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