natural ways to boost your mood

Natural Ways to Support Mental Health

November 04, 2021

There are a number of herbs that can support mild depression and anxiety, and below we have listed a few of our favorites.

  • Lemon balm- a relaxing, uplifting nerve tonic that supports digestion and eases anxiety. ⁠

  • Vervain - reduces anxiety, depression and anxious musculoskeletal tension, Vervain also helps with headaches, digestion and premenstrual syndrome.⁠

  • St Johns Wort - A herb of the sun, helps to support mild to moderate depression but avoid in anxious depression and alongside SSRIs (and other medications, ask us if you have questions).⁠

  • Milky oats - lifts a low mood specifically when its due to being burnt out and exhausted. great for those who can't stand to be touched ⁠


There are many lifestyle choices we can do to  support our mental health and below we have listed a few.  Most importantly it is finding what brings you joy in your life and letting go of anything that could be bringing you down!


The hormone ~ Serotonin regulates many brain functions and behaviours, and is commonly thought to be low in depression. There are many medications that help to increase serotonin in the body, but did you know? There are many natural ways to boost serotonin naturally.⁠

Nature - serotonin release is affected by the amount of oxygen you have in your blood, so getting more fresh air will help to boost your mood! This is often one of the reasons why you feel better, more relaxed and refreshed after being outside. Forest therapy has also been found to reduce anxiety, depression, and anger.⁠

Self Love - self-esteem and confidence are associated with serotonin, so practicing acts of self love that help to boost your confidence in yourself can support serotonin levels. Getting a massage, running a bubble bath, treating yourself to something special are just a few ways we can give ourselves some love.⁠

Exercise - Increases endorphins, induces antidepressant and anxiolytic effects. May increase brain serotonin function and increases tryptophan availability to the brain. ⁠

Light therapy - especially in the dark months, light therapy has been shown to help seasonal depression but is helpful in nonseasonal depression as well. Aim for 30-60 minutes a day in the darker months. ⁠

Dietary tryptophan - an essential amino acid that is the precursor to serotonin. Foods that contain tryptophan include chicken, turkey, eggs, fish, pumpkin and sesame seeds, tofu, milk, peanuts, cheese, ⁠

Vitamin D is important especially in the western hemisphere Serotonin synthesis, function and release may be altered if there are insufficient vitamin D, EPA and DHA levels. ⁠


We are trained medical therapists and one of team members is very passionate about helping clients improve their mental health.  If you ever want to just have a quick chat or book in for a full consultation, please reach out to us anytime!


With Love,

The Apotheka Team

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