When you come for an initial acupuncture treatment you can expect to sit and chat with your practitioner for roughly a half hour. They will dive deep into your health concerns and listen to what your goals are and develop a comprehensive treatment plan.
TCM practitioners will look at the tongue and feel the pulse and palpate certain points on the body to help gather an understanding of what is happening in the body. Once your practitioner has solidified a plan for treatment, they will help you get nice and cozy before needling begins.
It’s important to be comfortable during the treatment so please don’t be shy if the position you are in doesn’t feel good. You get the best results when you can fully relax during your treatment.The practitioner may use multiple pillows, blankets or heat lamps to ensure maximum comfort. Once the needles are in, it is recommended you rest for a minimum of 20 minutes, but this part of the treatment can last upwards of an hour depending on the available time and patient comfort level.
Acupuncture needles are very thin, about the width of a strand of hair and should not be painful. Although some sensation is expected, as the qi in the body is being called upon and can feel like a heaviness, a dull ache, or even small zaps. If anything is uncomfortable during the treatment, don’t be afraid to speak up and let your practitioner know.
Once the treatment is over you may feel the effects right away. You may feel tired or energized after a treatment, everyone reacts a little differently. Give yourself the space to go for a walk, or sit by the ocean.
The amount of treatments you may need will be completely individual and your practitioner should talk about this with you during your time with them. Although you may feel the effects right away, acupuncture works best when it is done in regular intervals over a period of time.
Should you wish to book a consult or acupuncture appointment please visit
Book A Treatment or send as an email to learn more at info@apothekaherbal.ca